Episode Playlist
Health Happenings - Kapiti Wellbeing Collective with Liz and Eloise ( 0:25:20)
Episode Information
Today on Health happenings Graeme talks with Liz Koh and Eloise from the Kapiti Wellbeing Collective about the aims of the Collective, why it was founded, the directions and possibilities for the future.
We speak to a number of local and national people about various health subjects. Always interesting and informative.
Published: 9/12/2024 3:00:00 p.m.
Health Happenings - Melanie Grace explains Functional Neurological Disorder (FND)( 0:30:26)
Episode Information
Catherine talks to Melanie Grace about Functional neurological disorder (FND). FND describes a problem with how the brain receives and sends information to the rest of the body. FND refers to a neurological condition caused by changes in how brain networks work. Physical symptoms of FND are genuine but cannot be explained by changes in the brain structure. The exact cause of FND is unknown and misunderstood.
In this conversation we speak to Melanie Grace who explains this disability in more detail and explains that this could now be New Zealand's leading cause of disability.
Published: 28/10/2024 3:00:00 p.m.
Health Happenings - Suz Stokes and her book "Learn Yoga for Health and Wellbeing"( 0:28:54)
Episode Information
In this episode, Nikki chats to Kapiti Coast yoga teacher and founder of the 35 Day Detox programme, Suz Stokes, about her recently published book “Learn Yoga for Health & Wellbeing”, a gentle week-by-week guide to starting your home yoga practice.
We speak to a number of local and national people about various health subjects. Always interesting and informative.
Published: 14/10/2024 3:00:00 p.m.
Health Happenings - we talk Health Improvement Practitioners on the Kapiti Coast( 0:26:49)
Episode Information
In this episode, Nikki talks to Emma & Sinead, who are Health Improvement Practitioners on the Kapiti Coast, about what their role is and how you can benefit from utilising this fully funded service through your local medical centre for wellbeing support.
We speak to a number of local and national people about various health subjects. Always interesting and informative.
Published: 30/09/2024 3:00:00 p.m.
Health Happenings - with Rebekah Corlett - Disability Advocate( 0:29:42)
Episode Information
In this episode, Nikki talks to local mum, Rebekah Corlett, who began her advocacy journey for her daughter 15 years ago, when Sophia was diagnosed with Autism. Rebekah has increased her advocacy role to include the disability community as a whole and speaks to us about how the current Government’s changes to Whaikaha, over the past 6 months, are impacting disabled people and their families throughout New Zealand
We speak to a number of local and national people about various health subjects. Always interesting and informative.
Published: 16/09/2024 3:00:00 p.m.
Health Happenings - In this episode we talk to members of the RSA about a little discussed subject - Veterans Mental Health. Our guests have been in active service and have insight, support and advice to share. ( 0:36:0)
Episode Information
We speak with Paraparaumu RSA President: Karen Wemyss, Vice President Lyn Parkin-Williams and RSA Welfare Support Manager Danny Nelson about shining a light on mental health for services personnel. This episode includes personal stories of active service in war torn countries and examples of how issues can take a decade to surface. We also hear about the lingering effects of being exposed to war zones and how it manifests in everyday life. This episode may be triggering for some, so please be mindful of your own wellbeing.
If you would like some assistance please contact any of the following
Need to talk? 1737 - phone or text a trained counsellor
NZDF4U 0800 693 348 / text 8881 or from overseas +64 9 414 9914 - support for currently serving military personnel and their families
Lifeline Aotearoa - 0800 543 354
Samaritans - 0800 726 666
Suicide Crisis Helpline - 0508 828 865
Healthline - 0800 611 116
Published: 12/05/2024 6:00:00 p.m.
Health Happenings 2023 30-01-2023 - Mullet Season is back! ( 0:19:4)
Episode Information
Get ready Aotearoa. Long or short, curly or straight, classic or modern... mullet season is here.
It’s the return of The Mullet Matters, a fundraising campaign in support of the Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand.
Last year’s inaugural event saw almost 700 mullet-loving souls take up the challenge and set their mullets loose around Aotearoa, starting important conversations about mental health and raising over $130,000 for the mental health promotion charity.
Catherine spoke to Mark Wilson, Public Relations for the Mental Health Foundation
Published: 30/01/2024 3:30:00 p.m.
Health Happenings Cancer Society and new HPV Self Testing breakthrough ( 0:13:20)
Episode Information
This will be life changing for women. Not only can we do away with more than 80% of painful procedures, this self test will more accurately pick up cells that could lead to Cervical Cancer, saving lives earlier and taking away the stigma and pain of the smear test at the doctor. Easy, accurate, painless. Great conversation between Mandy and Catherine on this topic.
Published: 22/09/2023 3:23:41 p.m.