Arrow FM

Arrow FM

Masterton, Wairapapa, Aotearoa New Zealand Access Radio Reaching Over Wairarapa.

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Access Radio Reaching Over Wairarapa.

Arrow FM Programmes

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 42 items in 2 pages
60s Nostalgia 60s Nostalgia
Travel back to the greatest decade of music ever. Songs you haven't heard for a while or maybe never before.
Ageing with Attitude Ageing with Attitude
Building awareness in the community around Elder Abuse.
Advise and SupportEnglish
Ara Toi Pathways to Art Ara Toi Pathways to Art
Art and Artists.
Arts and CultureEnglish
Avant Gardening Avant Gardening
Living the Good Life.
Society and CultureEnglish
Book Lovers Wairarapa Book Lovers Wairarapa
Review books, comment on publishers, libraries, bookshops and readers.
Arts and CultureEnglish
Charlotte Flows Charlotte Flows
Not just going with the flow... being the flow.
Women's Issues and SupportEnglish
Cobblestones Chronicles Cobblestones Chronicles
Stories from the early settlers' village and museum in Greytown.
Society and CultureEnglish
Energise Yourself Energise Yourself
Wairarapa’s Health & Fitness Forum.
Everyday People Everyday People
Ordinary people and their stories.
Fiesta Wairarapa - Pinoy Radio Fiesta Wairarapa - Pinoy Radio
Promoting the Wairarapa Filipinos as a people and the Wairarapa region as a place to live, work and raise a family.
Ethnic VoicesFilipino (Philippines), Tagalog, English
Film Talks On Air Film Talks On Air
Talks about films.
Arts and CultureEnglish
Friday Night Blues Friday Night Blues
Discover the only local show dedicated to the wonderful world of blues; from old to new, slow to fast.
Do you need some parenting sanity? Explore the world of parenting with all its highs and lows it has to offer.
Advise and SupportEnglish
Insights Insights
A melting pot of creativity and musical excellence.
Inspirational Communities Inspirational Communities
Representing our diverse communities.
JustRugbyNZ JustRugbyNZ
Weekly analysis of the New Zealand rugby scene.
Sports and RecreationEnglish
KahuRangi KahuRangi
Uncovering the Treasures of Tāngata Whenua in Wairarapa.
Society and CultureMaori (New Zealand), English
Live Wires Live Wires
Primary school students, helped by our teachers to create a programme about school life.
Children and YouthEnglish
Musica boa Musica boa
The best of Brazilian music.
Ethnic VoicesPortuguese (Brazil)
My Wavelength My Wavelength
Free range tracks from an extensive collections.
One Off One Off
Special features not connected to regular programmes.
Radio Wai Lankans Radio Wai Lankans
Exploring the vibrant culture and stories of Sri Lankans in Wairarapa.
Ethnic VoicesSinhala (Sri Lanka), Tamil (Sri Lanka)
What to do and where to go, Wairarapa wide.
ReCooper8 ReCooper8
What's happening and exciting on the arts scene in South Wairarapa.
Arts and CultureEnglish
Rotary Matters Rotary Matters
Showcasing Rotary's activities in the community and further afield.